Letter From the Editor

When I was younger, I didn’t understand style. I just wanted to fit in. For my middle school Christmas plays, all the boys had to wear red bowties. I was the only one in my class that had to wear a large, velvet bowtie. Now they are high fashion. A few years later, some of my clothes came from thrift stores. Now people kill for thrift store clothes and call them vintage. I never realized that I was actually fashion forward. While everyone else in school looked like mirror images of each other, I was different. An individual.

Today, I realize that’s what style is about. Whether it is for your personal fashion, your home or even what you drive, true style is about individualism. Your style should be a reflection of your personality. A reflection of who you really are.

Fads come and fads go, but true style is timeless. Don’t spend time trying to emulate everyone else. Find out who you are and run with it. In the words of Coco Chanel, “Fashion fades, but only style remains the same.”

Raphael Baker