From Country to COUTURE
Interview By: Raphael Baker

Some people learn to be stylish. Some people are just born with it. Jason Christopher Peters was undoubtedly born with it.

Decorating Your Nursery On A Budget
Written By: Stephanie Drye
Having a baby is such an exciting time! Here are some decorating tips that won't bust your budget.

Falling In Fashion: Top 7 Fall 2009 Trends
Written By: Rodnee Chuvalo

Staying fine in 2009 is the motto, and no one wants to be caught dead looking like last year’s hand-me-downs.

From the Runway...to the Subway
Written By: Dasheeda Dawson
Every season, fashion addicts anxiously gather under the tents to determine exactly “What’s hot!” for the upcoming season.

Diabetes: Not a Good Look
Written By: DeVita Willie
Diabetes is a chronic illness defined as a disease in which the blood contains high levels of glucose (sugar).

Slim Pickins
Written By: Jimmy Vincent

2009 may be the year of a recession, but one thing that hasn't been affected by the slump is men's fashion. It seems that this year's trends have been a mix of some old and some new, but definitely stylish.

Written By: Diaz Allen
Evan McKinney debuted Ar 'dnt Fashions Ltd. in 2007. He traveled the world to find the perfect materials to use to create his line.

Written By: Diaz Allen
What makes a fashion ensemble is the finishing touches. Here is a compilation of some of my fall must haves that are sure to have people noticing your fabulous flare for fashion.

Sleeping With Your Designer
Written By: Diaz Allen

Being fashionable requires a great amount of effort. We spend a lot of time purchasing our fashions and even more time putting together the perfect ensemble.